This is all about diffusing strategically chosen scents at specific consumer touch points. Let us create lasting impressions that represent your brand.

At KŌDŌ, our focus is on F&B concepts. Using our existing decadent formulas, or personalising them accordingly to replicate the delicacies that attract your customer in by an addictive aroma.

If you are trying to push for increased sales of a specific product, e.g. more pastries to be bought with a coffee, we will replicate the warm & inviting smell of a bakery to tempt the consumer towards a treat.

Alternatively, if the goal is for customers to be spending more time in stores, lounging, socialising or working, we will make sure to create a cozy, comforting scent that aligns with one's feeling of home.

The power and possibility of our scents are truly endless.


We are huge Foodies, and this is why we refer to our individual scents as flavours.

All formulated with Rich, Long-lasting notes to make your mouth water. You will be taken back to the first bite of chocolate cake on a late afternoon, or the morning sip of your warm latte on a winter's day. Our fragrances are Nostalgic. Delicious. Decadent. Let us create lasting impressions.

Let us scent your space

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